Eight tables in a rectangle with twenty-five chairs, some wall displays of Multicultural Greek Council.


UI student organization events $0
UI departmental events $0
General public events $160


Make a reservation

Room number: 337

See 3rd floor map

The Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) serves all MGC organizations as a support group and governing body in their events and communities to promote multicultural awareness, and to improve relations among all campus fraternities and sororities. The MGC defines “cultural” to include race, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation.

The University of Iowa is proud to be home to the founding of Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity, Inc. in 1986 and to Sigma Lambda Gamma Sorority, Inc. in 1990. The Alpha Chapters of both of these organizations continue to be thriving organizations within the University of Iowa Fraternity and Sorority community. In 2009, members of Sigma Lambda Beta and Sigma Lambda Gamma began work on the creation of the fourth governing council at Iowa. On February 16, 2010, the MGC was officially established.

Capacity by setup

Banquet Rectangles36
Banquet Rectangles
theater plan
classroom layout
ushape seating
Board Room36
board room seating layout

Available features and services

  • Computer
  • Ethernet connection
  • Projector screen
  • DVD player
  • Speakers (for computer audio only)
  • Markerboard
  • Wifi

Audio/video information

  • Screen, Projector, Podium, Computer, HDMI port at podium for laptops, podium mounted microphone, wide angle camera for virtual and hybrid meetings.