The contents of this website are currently being updated. If you have questions regarding a policy or procedure outlined below, please contact IMU Event Services at

Advertising & Promotion

Information Tables & Food Sales

Information Tables

Information tables are provided so that registered student organizations and departments may make contact with students for the dissemination of information or to collect funds or other support (e.g., signatures, supplies) from persons outside its membership. University guests or other non-university vendors or companies are not allowed at the information tables for sales-related, fundraising, or commercial activity without being sponsored by a registered student organization in good standing with the Office of Leadership, Service & Civic Engagement.

Each organization maintaining a table in the IMU is responsible for requiring individuals to remain behind the table, providing a member in attendance at the table, and providing a printed banner or a printed block letter sign, no smaller than 8 1/2 x 11, with the student organization or department name.

  • All materials and literature must be contained to the table.
  • All tables must remain in designated areas and the use of extra tables will not be allowed without the permission of the Facility Coordinator.
  • IMU Event Services reserves the right to deny approval to groups not following these guidelines.
  • Food and beverages purchased from UI Catering may be distributed during a tabling event.
  • Other food and beverage products may not be distributed without permission from IMU Event Services with the exception of individually wrapped small candies.
  • If sales are involved, the student organization must utilize the services of the IMU Business Office/Student Organization Business Office, including a cash box and direct deposit to the organization's university account. When sponsoring external vendors for the purpose of sales a signed External Sponsorship Agreement form is required. University departments are not allowed to sell goods for fundraising in the IMU. Sales must not be in direct competition with vendors within the IMU without the approval of that vendor.
  • MBNA is the exclusive vendor for student organizations who conduct credit card solicitation. Credit card solicitation requires a signed External Sponsorship Agreement in addition to the Event Information Form. The University of Iowa Alumni Association is the University contact for MBNA and is located at 100 Levitt Center for University Advancement.
  • An Event Information Form (EIF) may be required for student organizations using information tables. This will be determined by the IMU Event Services Office.

Food Sales

Registered student organizations are permitted to conduct food sales in the IMU at specified information tabling areas or on Hubbard Park. Food sales can also occur on at the two tabling locations on Kautz Plaza. All regulations set by the Johnson County Department of Public Health and IMU must be strictly followed.

IMU Guidelines:

Student organizations must comply with University of Iowa cash handling procedures. Appropriate cash handling training will be received during the approval process through Engage.

All food items must be purchased from or donated by a licensed commercial kitchen or come pre-packaged.


Chalking on Campus: Regulations and Guidelines

Chalking of sidewalks is a means of expression. It may be used in many ways, including to announce programs, promote events, exchange opinions, share messages, and otherwise express ideas. This policy is designed to permit sidewalk chalking while also advancing important university interests, including but not limited to ensuring campus safety, safeguarding entrances and exits to and from university facilities, protecting University property and facilities, and maintaining the aesthetic appeal of campus.

For the complete policy regarding chalking on campus, please visit this website. Please see below here for a map of approved outdoor chalking locations.

Here is a map of unapproved outdoor chalking locations:

Chalking Inside the IMU

Another informal chalking opportunity is available on Chalk Talk chalkboards in the IMU. Individuals and/or student organizations may write messages, quotes, or other information on the Chalk Talk boards. Boards are cleaned by IMU staff weekly. Chalk Talk boards are located in the River Room, Student Activities Center, and The Chalk Talk Lounge on Ground Floor.

Digital Displays

Terms of Use

Digital displays are a designated public forum for registered student organizations and university departments. These slides run on the TV screens throughout the IMU building. The content does not express nor reflects the position of the Iowa Memorial Union or The University of Iowa.

The University firmly believes in free speech, free expression and the right to dissent. 

In the event of controversies resulting from the contents in a display space, the IMU Event Services Office will attempt to arrange a meeting of those organizations involved in order to facilitate an exchange of ideas and a better understanding of the ideology or message of the display. If requested and if space permits, the IMU Event Services Office will offer an equal opportunity to the protesting organization to use a display space to present their viewpoint and will be reserved at the first available time.

Reservation & Display Guidelines

  1. Digital displays are managed by IMU Event Services. For questions about display policies and posting procedure, contact us at or call 319-335-3114. See a complete guideline for slide specifications.
  2. Display reservations are allowed for three (3) weeks per semester and can be in consecutive or weekly increments, based on individual organization’s needs.
  3. Digital display materials must be submitted online one week in advance of the preferred display date(s).

Submit a Digital Display Here

Directional Signage & Event Notifications

Event advertising

Please see the Advertising & Promotion section of the website for promotional opportunities for student organizations and university departments.

Poster signs and A-frames

Poster signs and A-frames are not allowed inside the IMU as forms of advertising or as directional signage for events. A-frames are permitted on the sidewalks immediately around the outside of the IMU, on the day of the event only, and must advertise or direct guests to events within the IMU. Signs may not block pedestrian traffic and are limited to one sign per entrance. Before placing an A-frame at any entrance approval must be granted by IMU Event Services. IMU staff reserve the right to remove any A-frame not complying with this policy.  The sign may be picked up from the IMU Welcome Center on the day of your event.  The white plastic A-frame is the only piece provided by the IMU; the event organizer is responsible for provided the plastic sleeve and tape for the sign.


Easels are allowed in event spaces, next to registration or display tables, and directly outside the door of any event space. Signs may not be in the line of traffic, blocking a stairwell, or blocking access to life and safety devises at any time. The IMU staff reserve the right to move any sign not in an approved location or blocking life and safety services.

Event Signage

Signs may not be taped to IMU doors or around the IMU at any time. See the IMU decorating policy for complete instructions. Groups choosing to place signs inside of event spaces provided are responsible for removing the signs at the end of the event. Some IMU way finding signs are equipped with a black bar at the bottom for the purpose of notifying guests of specific event locations. Those hosting an event in the IMU are allowed to use this space for directional signs on the day of their event only.

  • The way finding bars are not for the purpose of event advertisement.
  • The bars have a roller clip at the bottom that can only accommodate an 8.5x11 regular sheet of paper.
  • All signs must be typed and cannot be a solicitation.
  • Events not held inside the IMU are not allowed use of the bars.

To request an exemption to the signage policy please contact the Associate Director or his/her designee at 159 IMU, or by calling 319-335-3114.

Hubbard Park Fence

Three (3) spaces are available on the Hubbard Park Fence for registered student organizations and university departments to hang signs and/or banners for the purpose of promoting special events or activities occurring on Hubbard Park or in the Iowa Memorial Union; reservations are limited to one per month. The available space is located on the north end of the Hubbard Park fence at the corner of Madison and Jefferson Streets.

  1. IMU Event Services, 159 IMU, must review all banners before they may be hung on Hubbard Park Fence. All signs/banners will:

    • Identify the sponsoring organization/department by name
    • Indicate the name and date of the event or activity being promoted
    • Not be posted for more than five (5) consecutive days
    • Be limited to promotion of approved University events on Hubbard Park or in the Iowa Memorial Union only
    • Not exceed eight (8) feet long by four (4) feet high in size
    • Not hang other decorative items (streamers, balloons, etc.)to the fence or banner without prior approval
    • Not contain sponsoring corporations logos or names
    • Will be attached to the fence with string or plastic zip ties
  2. If spaces are not occupied within two (2) hours of the reservation time, they will be forfeited. Forfeited space will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis.

  3. All signs and banners must remain in the designated areas of the Hubbard Park Fence. The use of extra spaces will not be allowed without the permission of the IMU Facility Manager. Reservations do not guarantee a specific location on the fence. Space on the fence is determined on a first-come, first-service basis. Signs and banners are not allowed on other campus fences.

  4. The Iowa Memorial Union reserves the right to remove signs and banners from the fence and cancel future reservations of groups not following these guidelines.

  5. It is the responsibility of the student organization or department to place the banner and remove it from the fence, not the responsibility of the IMU Event Services office.

For more information contact Event Services.

Table Tents

Tabletop space is made available for announcements about university events and services. The display of informational material in the IMU should not be considered an endorsement by the Iowa Memorial Union or the University of Iowa. Approval for table tents will be given to student organizations and university departments for promoting university sponsored events.

  1. Table tents must be strictly informational (for example publicizing events, meetings or programs). Table tents expressing specific opinions or beliefs will not be approved.
  2. All materials distributed at the Iowa Memorial Union must be approved by IMU Event Services.
  3. Table space may be reserved for a minimum of three days in a row and a maximum of five days. Organizations are only allowed one reservation per month.
    • Table tents should be 8.5"x5.5" and folded in half to form tent measuring 4.25" wide x 5.5" tall, so that it stands like a greeting card; they must also be printed on cardstock.
    • Only one table tent will be displayed per table in any designated area at one time unless otherwise approved by IMU administration.
    • IMU staff will remove and recycle all table tents at the end of their reservation.
  4. A finished table tent must be provided to IMU Event Services before final approval is given.
  5. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization to place the table tents on the tables in the designated area.
    • To maintain necessary sanitary conditions, IMU event staff will dispose of table tents as they become stained or dirty.
    • Organizations may replace table tents each day throughout the reservation.
  6. IMU Event Services reserves the right to cancel existing reservations and deny approval of future requests to groups not following these guidelines.
Location Number of Tents
Hubbard Commons 27
144-157 IMU Hallway 4
Big Ten Lobby 10
IMU Ground Floor 83
River Room* 70
Total 205


*Private dining and meeting rooms are not included
*The Iowa House lobby is not included


Food & Beverages

Alcoholic & Non-Alcoholic Beverages

University departments and university guests are eligible for beverage service for scheduled events in accordance with guidelines under “general policy” listed below. Registered student organizations are eligible for beverage service in accordance with guidelines under “general policy” and “student organization additional policies” listed below.

General Policies

Supply and Service Policy
All beverage service (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) will be supplied by UI Catering subject to availability of facilities, staff and supplies. Under Iowa State law, the IMU, or any University department or organization, may not accept free alcoholic beverages from an outside source or funds from a distributor. The dispensing and control of alcoholic beverages within the IMU is the responsibility of UI Catering and IMU Administration. All money collected by the UI Catering from alcohol sales will be deposited in a designated university account. Under no circumstances is a sponsoring organization to receive money collected as a result of alcohol sales.

Cash or Hosted Bar
Departments and university guests may ask event attendees to pay directly for alcohol service or service may be sponsored by the hosting organization. UI Catering and/or IMU Administration reserve the right to determine whether alcohol is most appropriately served by cash or host. UI Catering will charge a minimum hourly fee for costs incurred when drinks are served by the host.

Food Requirement
A sponsoring organization must be prepared to provide guests with non- alcoholic beverages and food in addition to alcoholic beverages.

Observance of State Laws
Proof of age (carding) will take place at all events where alcoholic beverages are served and are the responsibility of the UI Catering. Legally intoxicated persons and persons under 21 years of age will not be served alcoholic beverages. UI Catering and IMU Administration reserve the right to ask a person for two or more forms of identification in order to verify age, and may notify Public Safety in the event that a person in the IMU is believed to be legally intoxicated, to have misrepresented his or her age, or to have provided alcohol to an underage person.

Alcohol Restricted to Designated Areas
Alcoholic beverages purchased from outside the IMU are prohibited in the IMU. Alcohol may only be consumed in designated areas within the IMU and is not permitted in hallways, lobbies, restrooms, or outside the building. Persons in violation of this policy are subject to having the alcohol confiscated and/or be asked to leave the event. UI Catering and/or IMU Administration reserve the right to close events prior to their expected closing time in the event that this policy is abused.

Number of Persons in Attendance
Prior to or during an event, the UI Catering and/or IMU Administration reserve the right to limit the total attendance in a room and the quantity of alcoholic beverage to be provided. Alcoholic beverage service will be based on the estimated number in attendance, the length of the event, and the general behavior of those attending.

The IMU Administration reserves the right to provide usher(s) and/or public safety officers at a cost to the sponsoring department or organization whenever restricted access is required or admission is charged.

Liquor Limitation
Beer and wine may be served to events open to the public but not liquor.

Liquor may only be served at events not open to the public. To be considered a closed (non- public) event, all persons in attendance must have been invited or have purchased a ticket in advance. Scheduled food events, such as receptions and meals are also considered closed for purposes of this policy.

Hours of Service
In general, alcoholic beverage service can begin no earlier than noon and be offered up to one-half hour prior to the close of an event. Last call will be one hour before the end of an event. Alcoholic beverage service will be limited to six (6) hours or less.

Service Approval
Alcoholic beverage service must be approved by the Student Services Vice President before the date of the event. Events held at the Iowa Memorial Union have already been issued prior approval from the VP’s office.

Student Organization Additional Policies

  • As a general policy, alcoholic beverage service will not be available to organizations sponsoring events attended by students under the age of 21.
  • An Event Information Form (EIF) must be filed out for any event sponsored by a student organization requesting alcohol service.
  • An alcohol service request form must be filled out for any event sponsored by a student organization requesting alcohol service.

Alternative Catering Applications

Alternative Catering Services must comply with the following:

  1. Both the Alternative Caterer’s Food Service License AND Alternative Catering’s Insurance must be submitted to University Catering in order to get approval of your Alternative Caterer. Please submit hard copies to Room 237 of the IMU by the date provided above so that the Purchasing Department has time to review.
  2. The photocopy of the event menu or invoice should include EVERY item that will be available to guests that evening and include individual quantities. The event menu must be a formal document and submitted via hard copy to Room 237 of the IMU by the date provided above.
  3. The Student Organization and Caterer understand they must provide all equipment for the event including but not limited to warmers, hot boxes, coolers, service ware, and all other catering production equipment. If equipment is not provided in order to assure safety minimums are met, University Catering has the right to remove food from the event. The Student Organization may choose to rent chafing dishes from University Catering with (7) business day notice prior to the event date.
  4. Student Organization and Caterer understand a minimum of one (1) employee from the Caterer must be on site during service of food and provide proper food handling services.
  5. Student Organization and Caterer understand it is at the discretion of University Catering and IMU Administration as to the actual number of staff from the Caterer and UI Catering that will be required at the event.
  6. Student Organization and Caterer understand the student organization must hire a minimum of one (1) staff person from University Catering to temp food for safety for the entire time food is being served plus thirty (30) minutes before and after service. (Example; a group serving food from 6p.m. to 7p.m. would pay for a catering staff person from 5:30p.m. to 7:30p.m.)
  7. Student Organization and Caterer understand that a report will be sent to the IMU and Student Org Office indicating recorded food temperatures and any issues that arise the day of the event.
  8. Student Organization and Caterer understand approval of application does not allow access to any University Catering kitchen space, equipment, or services. A charge will incur if use of any equipment is noted.
  9. Student Organization and Caterer understand that University Event Supervisors reserve the right to refuse service of any food deemed not safe and/or not being served according to Iowa Health Code.
  10. Student Organization and Caterer understand that only those food and beverage items listed on the event menu will be allowed at the event. Any additional items brought into your event are not approved and will be removed immediately.
  11. Student Organization understands that it is the responsibility of the Student Organization and/or Caterer to provide all plates, utensils, napkins, and service ware needed for the event. The Student Organization may choose to rent service items from University Catering with (7) business day notice prior to the event date.

For more information contact University Catering.


All food and beverage services in and around the Iowa Memorial Union are to be provided by University Catering. For health and safety reasons, groups are not permitted to self-cater or deliver food items to the IMU for events in the facility. See the University Catering website for more information about University Catering.

Exception: ONLY UI Registered Student Organizations are allowed to bring in pizza from vendors outside of the IMU, for meetings/events in the facility - that is NOT re-sold. This exception does not apply to University Departments or outside guests.

Student Organizations may request use of an Alternative Catering Provider in writing at least four (4) weeks prior to the event. Forms are provided in the University Catering Office, 237 IMU, and must be filled out in coordination with the Event submission process initiated within the Leadership and Service's Engage platform. Contact the University Catering staff at 319-335-3116 for additional information.

University Catering and IMU Administration will consider exceptions to this policy when:

  • Events are requesting food ethnically or otherwise unique that University Catering staff determines they cannot prepare.
  • Religious events require special food or special food preparation.
  • Food is provided to an organization as an in kind donation.

IMU Facility Information

Additional Building Hours

View IMU building hours. Events in the IMU Meeting Rooms are permitted from 7:00am-11:00pm. In general, university department and university guest events in the IMU Banquet and Ballroom spaces can be reserved from 7:00am-12:00am/midnight (based on availability). Student organization events can last until 1am.

Requests for use of IMU facilities beyond normal building hours require the approval of the IMU Associate Director. Additional building hour request should be made at the time of reservation in the IMU Event Services office.

Events planning on requesting additional building hours should submit their reservation request no later than twenty (20) business days prior to the requested event date. Additional building hours are $60.00/hour for student organizations, $120/hour for departments, and $300.00/hour for university guests.

For more information, Contact Event Services.

General Information & Facility Use

The use of the Iowa Memorial Union (IMU) facility and grounds must be in accordance with IMU, Dean of Students, and University of Iowa Policies.

The Associate Director of the IMU and his/her staff will enforce the following policies. These policies apply to all areas within the IMU, Hubbard Park, Danforth Chapel, IMU River Terrace, and IMU River Amphitheater. Any exception to IMU policies must be approved by the Associate Director or his/her designee.

Venues booked by the IMU Event Services include the IMU, Hubbard Park, Danforth Chapel, Lagoon Shelter House, IMU River Terrace, and IMU River Amphitheater. IMU venues are available during all building hours unless otherwise noted. Event reservations can be made by contacting the IMU Events Services Office at 319-335-3114, by email at, on our online reservation site called Mazevo, or by visiting our office at 159 IMU.

The Events Services Office assists customers in scheduling and planning for events using IMU event space. This includes room reservations, providing technical support, setup, and oversight of events. The office works with the customer to make their event successful and in accordance with state, university, and departmental rules and regulations.

Reservations in the IMU

1. The IMU is available for reservation by:

  • Registered Student Organization
  • University Departments
  • University Guests (including non-university organizations, non-university individuals and student, faculty, staff, alumni for non-departmental or non-student organization use)

2. Rooms and facilities available for reservation are listed on the IMU Website.

3. All requests for the reservation of IMU facilities and services must be filed with the IMU Event Services Office.

4. The Associate Director or his/her designee has the authority to deny the proposed use of Union facilities at any time, or to impose, at any time, limits on the scope, conduct, or audience size of any event in order to carry out the provisions of these policies. The Associate Director may also require, as a condition of use, the services of additional maintenance, technical, or security personnel.

5. Rooms may be reserved prior to an event for decorating based on availability. Click here for the full policy on decorations in the IMU.

6. The customer, not the IMU or the University, is responsible for loss of or damage to any personal property of the customer, their guests, agents, employees or invitees, located within the Facility or on University property, before, during or after the term of the event.

Reservation Policies

Challenging a Tentative Reservation

Tentative room reservations may be challenged by a group holding an event and in need of the room in question. To issue a challenge, the challenging organization must first submit a blue requisition (or other form of payment) for the full amount of the room rental to the IMU Event Services office. At the time the tentative reservation is challenged, the group holding the tentative reservation must confirm the reservation by paying a non-refundable deposit (for the full amount of the room rental), within seven (7) business days or release the space. If the room is released to the group issuing the challenge, the full cost of the room rental will be processed immediately. No refunds will be issued on challenges that are won.

Student organizations

If your student organization wants to challenge another student organization that might have fee space reserved, you must first submit a blue requisition (or other form of payment) for the total room rental in order to issue the challenge. If your student organization wins the challenge, the full cost of the room rental will be processed immediately. No refunds will issued on challenges that are won.

University departments

University departments may issue challenges to customers holding rooms in tentative status. The department must provide a form of payment (MFK, blue req or p-card) for the total room rental in order to initiate the challenge. The challenged group has seven (7) business days to submit payment for the room(s) or the space is released to the group issuing the challenge. If the room is released, the department payment will be processed immediately. No refunds will be issued for challenges that are won. The IMU will not consider donation or sponsorship requests for rooms that have been reserved by departments after issuing a challenge.

University guests

University guests may issue challenges to customers holding rooms in tentative status. The challenging organization must provide a credit card to keep on file for the total room rental in order to initiate the challenge. The challenged group has seven (7) business days to submit payment for the room(s) or the space is released to the group issuing the challenge. If the room is released, payment will be processed immediately for the challenging group. No refunds will be issued for challenges that are won. The IMU will not consider donation or sponsorship requests for rooms that have been reserved by university guests after issuing a challenge.


Student organizations or university departments making the initial reservations are to be held as the responsible organization for the event. If a balance is not paid, the responsible organization will be required to pay those fees. Registered student organizations and university departments may not reserve space for other organizations for the purpose of lower rates or to extend limitations for reservations unless otherwise noted in this document. The organization or individual who holds the reservation must be primarily responsible for planning, implementing, and financing the event. IMU reserves the right to evaluate and make final determination of appropriate rates for the reservation based on the above as well as determine whether misrepresentation has occurred. If intentional misrepresentation has occurred, this may result in the organization holding the reservation being charged the higher of the two rate structures. This also may result in suspension of reservation privileges in IMU.


The IMU has set forth guidelines for decorating within the IMU facility and event spaces. Any one not following policy may lose reservation privileges and/or be charged a cleanup fee.

Guidelines and Regulations when Decorating

  1. Blue painters tape is the only approved method to attach decorations to walls, doors, ceilings, or woodwork. If any other means is used to attach decorations they will be removed. For the purpose of this policy directional or event advertisement signs are not considered decorations. Please see Directional Signage and Event Notification policy for additional information.
  2. Light weight decorations (i.e., paper letters, balloons, leaflets, etc.) may be attached to stage curtains and backdrops with straight pins.
  3. Open flames are not permitted in any event space in the IMU or Danforth Chapel. Oil hurricane lanterns and battery operated tea light candles are available for a charge based on availability through University Catering. Requests for exceptions to this policy can be made to the IMU Associate Director.
  4. Balcony railings may be used for hanging banners, crepe paper, streamers, etc. Zip ties are the preferred method for hanging items from balcony railings.
  5. All decorations must be removed by the sponsoring group or organization at the end of the event. IMU staff will dispose of any decorations remaining after the event. Labor charges for clean-up will be assessed where applicable and will be the responsibility of the sponsoring organization.
  6. Damage fees will be applied as necessary.
  7. Sidewalk Chalk: see the complete chalking policy here.
  8. All decorations must comply with local, state, and national fire regulations and may be subject to approval by local fire authorities.
  9. All decorations must be approved in advance by the IMU Event Services Office.
  10. All organizations are responsible for setting up their own free standing decorations as well as removing them at the end of the event.
  11. The use of glitter or confetti is prohibited. Groups using glitter for decoration or making signs in any IMU space will be charged a cleaning fee of $25 per hour.
  12. Tacks, push pins, or staples are not allowed except on bulletin boards or portable panels.
  13. IMU Staff reserves the right to remove postings in violation of IMU Policy.
  14. Fog and smoke machines are allowed provided arrangements have been made at least ten (10) days prior to the event date. Additional fees may apply to events requesting use of a fog or smoke machine.

For more information, Contact Event Services.

University Guests

Reservation Information

Individuals, without University affiliation, and Non-University Organizations are eligible to reserve space, however they must acknowledge a Facility Use Agreement, are subject to the guidelines in this manual, and pay a guest rate for use of the facilities.

Persons who are guests at a function operated by the IMU may be limited in their use of the union to the venue accommodating the function, to which they have been invited, and other general public facility and service areas.

Sponsored Events

University guests may be sponsored by student organizations without permission from IMU Administration. If a student organization is sponsoring a public group the student rates structure may apply, with the exception of political campaigning events.

  • In the event the public group is selling goods of any kind, an outside sponsorship agreement must be filled out.
  • A student from the sponsoring organization must be part of the event planning process and will be required to fill out and Event Information Form (EIF).
  • A student from the sponsoring organization must be present during the event.

Online Reservations on the Web App

Guidelines and Information

Registered UI Student Organizations and UI Departments can make reservations for free IMU meeting spaces online here on Mazevo using a UIowa email address.

Student organizations can begin making series or individual IMU meeting room requests online beginning the first Friday of June at 8:00 am for the upcoming academic year and are not to exceed ten (10) reservations per month. **This policy is new for the 2022-2023 academic year. In consultation with the Office of Leadership & Engagement, we are waiting until after the student organization re-registration process is complete to begin accepting student organization meeting room requests.**

University departments are eligible to make series or individual IMU meeting room requests online beginning the second Friday of June at 8:00 am for the upcoming academic year.
**This policy is new for the 2022-2023 academic year.**

If the request is for a date less than 7 days from when you are making the request you will need to contact Event Services at 319-335-3114 or e-mail IMU Event Services is open Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM.

To set up an account

Information for requesting a Mazevo account can be found here. All accounts must be processed and approved by IMU Event Services staff before reservations can be made. You will receive an email confirmation when your account has been approved; please allow 3 business days for account approval.

After your account is approved, you can begin making reservations. Instructions for online reservations can be found here. You will receive an email communication from IMU Event Services when your request has been processed. Keep in mind - online requests are only processed during business hours which are Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM.

Priority Reservation System & Annual Events

Reservation by Customer Type for IMU Banquet & Ballroom Spaces

IMU Event Services will begin accepting annual event reservations from registered student organizations and university departments for events taking place up to three (3) academic years out. University guests may make reservations for up to two (2) academic years out. Annual event reservations will be received on a priority basis before taking general reservations.

Priority Reservation Order

  1. University-wide annual events
  2. Annual events hosted by registered student organizations and university departments
  3. University Guest events

Meeting Room & Promotional Reservations

Student organizations can begin making series or individual IMU meeting room requests online beginning the first Friday of June at 8:00 am for the upcoming academic year and are not to exceed ten (10) reservations per month. **This policy is new for the 2022-2023 academic year. In consultation with the Office of Leadership & Engagement, we are waiting until after the student organization re-registration process is complete to begin accepting student organization meeting room requests.**

University departments are eligible to make series or individual IMU meeting room requests online beginning the second Friday of June at 8:00 am for the upcoming academic year. **This policy is new for the 2022-2023 academic year.**

Reservations are not to exceed ten (10) reservations per month. Series and individual meeting room reservations must be submitted via the web booking system (Mazevo), with the exception of reservations for rooms within seven (7) days of use. All other requests can be submitted to More information on the student organization policy can be found here and the university department policy can be found here.

University guests may make meeting room reservations for up to two (2) academic years out.

University Departments

Reservation Information

University departments and federal, state or local government agencies are eligible to reserve space and pay a rate that is estimated on actual costs. Government agencies must pay in advance with an agency check or credit card.

University departments are eligible to make series, individual meeting room, and information table reservations beginning the second Friday of June at 8:00 am for the upcoming academic year and are not to exceed ten (10) reservations per month (unless otherwise noted in this document). Additional reservations are allowed on the first day of each month for the following month. Series and individual meeting room reservations may be submitted via the online request system called Mazevo. If the reservations is less than 4 days away, please call IMU Event Services at 319-335-3114, or email

Meeting rooms may not be reserved by university departments for use as study space for classes unless approval is granted by the Associate Director, IMU Administration and Operations. If approved, study room reservations will count towards the ten (10) allowed bookings per month.


Departments may cancel event room reservations one year prior to the event date and receive a full refund. Events cancelled after the one year date forfeit the deposit.

Exemption for Classroom Scheduling

Meeting rooms in the IMU are not intended for classroom scheduling. Request for exemption to this policy should be made in writing to the Associate Director, IMU Administration and Operations. For classrooms scheduling, please visit here:

Reservation Services & Fees

Financial Obligations for Facility Use

Payment Schedule & Deposit Amounts

Registered Student Organizations

Reservation payments must be submitted two weeks in advance of event date. If payment is not received, the event or reservation will be cancelled with charge.

University Departments

Payment in the amount of the full room rental is due seven ( 7) business days from the date of holding the room. Deposits are refundable for up to one year prior to event date. Payment for remaining charges will be due upon receipt of an invoice post event date.

University Guests

Payment in the amount of the full room rental is due seven ( 7) business days from the date of holding the room. Deposits are non-refundable. Payment for remaining charges must be collected seven (7) days prior to the event date or the event may be cancelled with charge.

Government Agencies

Payment for the full event must be paid in advance of services. Payment is non-refundable. Deposit is due seven (7) business days before the event or the event may be cancelled.

Guidelines, Policies, & Fees

Facility Rates

See the Banquet & Ballroom Space and Meeting Rooms for information regarding facility setup and rates.

Financial Responsibility

Failure of an organization or individual to meet financial responsibility for damages incurred in a facility during the terms of occupancy, failure of such an organization or individual to reimburse the Union for stipulated and required service, misrepresentation by an authorized representative in regard to a facility reservation request, or failure of officers, members or their guests to observe provisions of these IMU Event Services Policies may subject an organization and its officers as individuals to a denial of further use of facilities, services and programs within control of the Union.


Registered student organizations and University departments may not reserve space for other organizations for the purpose of lower rates or to extend limitations for reservations as outlined in this document. The organization or individual who holds the reservation must be primarily responsible for planning, implementing, and financing the event. The IMU reserves the right to evaluate and make final determination of appropriate rates. If intentional misrepresentation has occurred, this may result in suspension of reservation privileges in the IMU for the organization that holds the reservation, in addition to being charged the higher of the two rate structures.

Unfulfilled Financial Obligations

Any unfulfilled financial obligation to the IMU may result in loss of reservation privileges, collection agency action, and/or charge to a University MFK account.

Billing Disputes

Billing disputes must be submitted to the IMU Event Services Office, 159 IMU, within ten (10) business days of the event date in order to be reviewed.

Exceptions to any of the guidelines, policies, or fees mentioned in this document require the approval of the IMU Associate Director or his/her designee.

Additional Damage/Cleaning Fees

Customers shall surrender possession of the IMU venue to the IMU at the conclusion of the event in good condition. Customer shall reimburse the IMU for any and all costs the IMU incurs to repair any damage to the venue or other property or equipment arising out of or in connection with the customer’s use of the IMU venue. Customers will also be charged a custodial fee for any post event cleaning that goes above and beyond the standard cleaning time. Additional custodial fees are $25.00 per hour outside of normal cleaning time.

Overdue Invoices

When a university department has not paid all event charges at the end of the fiscal year, a report will be provided to the University Business Office for collection of those debts. Further restrictions on the account may be placed on departments not paying in full for event activities within the fiscal year.
University guests that are 90 days or more overdue will be sent to collections.

Cancellation Policy

Room Set Up

IMU Meeting Rooms, other than Academics Room, Multicultural Greek Council Room, and Divine Nine Room, have a standard set. Standard set rooms can be changed for a fee (minimum of $40). All other event room or event set up arrangements must be made ten (10) business days prior to your event date with an IMU Facility Coordinator. IMU Facility Coordinators can be reached at Room sets that require changing mid event will incur and additional fee. Tables, chairs, linen, and limited amounts of other equipment come standard with most event rooms. Additional information on what is included in the IMU spaces as well as equipment available for rental can be found here.

For more information, Contact Event Services.

A/V Equipment Policy

Audio Visual & Equipment

Requests for tech/media services must be made ten (10) business days prior to the event date. Late requests may not be able to be accommodated and/or may result in additional fees. The IMU reserves the right, at its discretion, to require an AV tech at the customer’s expense if the event necessitates one. Setup of all stage sets and program support equipment will be accomplished by or be under direct supervision of the Union staff.

Due to the potential damage and the increased depreciation cycle for mobile items, the use or rental of IMU AV and Non-AV equipment or other furnishings is not allowed outside of facilities controlled by IMU.

For AV equipment, event and tech staff rates, please click here.

Cancellation & No Show Fees

The IMU Senior Associate Director or his/her designee makes the final determination as to whether a room rental deposit may be moved to the new reservation.

Student Organizations

Student organizations cancelling reservations in the Main Lounge and 2nd Floor Ballroom less than 61 days before their event date will be charged a late cancellation fee of the full room rental. Student organizations cancelling reservations in Black Box Theater, North Room, or South Room less than 31 days before their event date will be charged a late cancellation fee of the full room rental.

University Departments

University departments may cancel reservations up to one year prior to the event date and receive a full refund. After the one year date, departments cancelling rooms forfeit the full room fee. Reservations moved within the same academic year may be eligible to move room rental deposits to the new reservation.

University Guests

University guests cancelling rooms forfeit the full room rental fee. Reservations moved within the same academic year may be eligible to move room rental deposits to the new reservation.

Electrical Connect/Disconnect

Events with special electrical needs will need to arrange for an electrical connection at least ten (10) days prior to the event date. Additional electrical connections are available in the Main Lounge, Second Floor Ballroom, and Hubbard Park at the customer’s expense.

Please make these arrangements with the IMU Event Services Office, 159 IMU. Events requiring a connection or disconnection outside of regular business hours off site may incur additional fees.

For more information, Contact Event Services.

Space Policies

Outdoor Spaces

The University of Iowa has several spaces for outdoor events available to student organizations, departments, and university guests. To reserve an outdoor space, please fill out the online form here or email

The following priority applies to reserving outdoor space:

Hubbard Park

Hubbard Park is available to student organizations and university departments only. Weddings may be permitted outside of the academic year. Other exceptions can be submitted to IMU Administration at 319-335-3059. The full policy for Hubbard Park can be found here.

IMU River Amphitheater

IMU River Amphitheater is available for student organizations, university departments, and public events.The full policy for the IMU River Amphitheater can be found here.

IMU River Terrace

IMU River Terrace (north side only) is available for student organizations, university departments, and public events in conjunction with events in the IMU Main Lounge or Sunporch. The full policy for the IMU River Terrace can be found here.

Pentacrest and Kautz Plaza

The Pentacrest and Kautz Plaza are available for student organizations and university departments. The full policy for these spaces can be found here.

Danforth Chapel

The Danforth Chapel was built in 1952 as a place of worship, meditation, and prayer as well as an oasis where students could reflect on their daily lives. The IMU accepts reservations for the Danforth Chapel by request by student organizations, university departments, and university guests.

Reservation Guidelines

  1. During the academic year, the Chapel is reserved Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm for quiet reflection. During the summer, the Chapel is open for quiet reflection Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Reservations for the Chapel during this time are generally not permitted. Requests for exceptions can be submitted to the IMU Event Services Office at 159 IMU or (319) 335-3114 for review by IMU Administration.
  2. Weddings and other events may reserve the chapel Friday 6:00 pm to 1:30 am and Saturday and Sunday 10:00 am to midnight. Weddings are allowed a three (3) hour block of time the day of the wedding and a one hour block of time before the wedding for rehearsal.
  3. Decorations must not be pinned to the pews at any time. Please see the decoration policy for approved decorations and ways to affix decorations to the pews and walls.

Hubbard Park Policy

Conditions of Use

  • More than one event at a time may be scheduled on the park. The number of events permitted simultaneously will be the decision of the IMU Event Services Office.
  • All policies governing the sale of goods in the IMU will be applicable on Hubbard Park. Policies regarding solicitation by student organizations will apply on Hubbard Park.
  • Failure to obtain approval for the use of the Philip G. Hubbard Park, or violation of applicable University regulations during use, may result in the withdrawal of the privilege of use.
  • If park conditions are not suitable for use, the IMU reserves the right to cancel, move, or schedule rain back up dates. All effort will be made to notify groups three (3) days in advance of the scheduled event date.
  • Tents and other items cannot be set on the park without prior approval. An Iowa One Call to Building and Landscape Services will be required before driving anything (i.e tent stakes, posts, etc.) in the ground to prevent damage to the sprinkler system and underground cables. Groups are responsible for coordinating these requests with IMU Facility Coordinators.
  • The use of firepits or bonfires is not allowed on Hubbard Park.


There is no fee for use of Hubbard Park by registered student organizations and university departments unless special expenses or damages occur. The IMU Fee Schedule applies to all special expenses. University Guests may be permitted to use the park with special permission. Please contact IMU Event Services for more information and to determine an estimate.

  • Philip G. Hubbard Park is reserved on an “as is” condition. Requested set-ups such as staging, tables, lining of the field, etc., are the responsibility of the user to arrange. Some items may be requested from IMU Event Services in limited quantities. Please see the Hubbard Park section on this page or email an IMU Facility Coordinator for additional pricing.
  • Users are expected to leave the park in the same condition in which they received it. Users will be charged for any damage, clean-up, or misuse of the park. These charges are determined by IMU Administration.

Sound Amplification Guidelines

Amplified sound is restricted on Hubbard Park in the following ways:

  • Audio levels will be measured in decibels (dB) from the sidewalk surrounding Hubbard Park.
  • Audio levels measuring at 60 dB or less are allowed at any time.
  • Audio levels measuring at 70 dB or less are permitted Monday through Friday between the hours of 12:20 PM and 1:30 PM.
  • Audio levels exceeding 75 dB are permitted on Friday between the hours of 5:00 PM and 10:00 PM, and on Saturday and Sunday between the hours of 8:30 AM and 10:00 PM
  • Any City of Iowa City sound ordinances must also be met.
  • The Iowa Memorial Union reserves the right to require audio levels to be lowered at any time.

Water Availability

Water is available on Hubbard Park on the north side of the park. Please see the fee on our website with ground water usage charges. Please make arrangements for water usage with an IMU Facilities Coordinator.

Electrical Hook Up

110 single phase electrical outlets are available at all times for no fee along the east park fence. 220 single phase electrical outlets are available on the north side of the park and must be arranged in advance of use. A fee for 220power hook up will apply. Groups with other power needs will need to use a generator and must make those arrangements themselves. Please indicate your electrical needs before your event date or at the time of reservation.

Internet Access

Must be arranged directly with Campus IT Services. Fees will apply. Wireless connectivity to Eduroam is available on Hubbard Park to those with a HawkID.

Balloon Launch/Lantern Release

These types of activities are not allowed due to shared air space with UIHC AirCare.

IMU River Amphitheater

Reservation Guidelines

The IMU River Amphitheater is available for reservations from 8am to 10pm. Requests for exceptions can be submitted to IMU Event Services.

Weddings are allowed a one hour block of time on a date prior for a wedding rehearsal and are permitted on the space beginning at 9am on the day of their reservation (based on availability).


There is no fee to student organizations or departments for use of the IMU River Amphitheater for free events unless special expenses or damages occur. In the case of an event in which an admission fee is collected, there will be a fee for both student organizations and departments. University guests can also visit this website for the current rental fee for the amphitheater. The IMU Fee Schedule applies to all special expenses.

  • IMU River Amphitheater is reserved on an “as is” condition. Requested set-ups such as staging, tables, sound, etc., are the responsibility of the user to arrange. The IMU may assist with equipment needs by recommending external vendors or renting out limited items. This is to be arranged with an IMU Facility Coordinator.
  • Users are expected to leave the amphitheater in the same condition they received it in. Users will be charged for any damage, clean-up, or misuse of the amphitheater. These charges are determined by the IMU Administration.

Conditions of Use

  • All policies governing the sale of goods in the IMU and regarding sales by student organizations will be applicable on the Amphitheater.
  • More than one event may be scheduled at once on the west side of the IMU on the IMU River Terrace and IMU River Amphitheater. The number and types of events permitted simultaneously will be the decision of IMU Event Services and will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
  • Food and beverage service on the Amphitheater will be allowed and must be provided by UI Catering. No alcohol is allowed on the Amphitheater.
  • Failure to obtain approval for the use of the IMU River Amphitheater or violation of applicable University regulations during use may result in the withdrawal of the privilege of use.
  • Rain back up is the responsibility of the customer. If conditions are not suitable for use, the IMU reserves the right to cancel, move, or schedule rain back up dates. All effort will be made to notify groups three (3) days in advance of the scheduled event date.
    • In the case of cancellation due to weather, both student organizations and university departments will receive full refunds. For university guests, a refund of the full rental of the amphitheater space will be issued, minus a $50 administration fee that will be held by IMU Event Services. This fee will be waived if the IMU Main Lounge is rented in conjunction to the Amphitheater.
  • Tents and other items cannot be set on the amphitheater without prior approval.

Sound Amplification Guidelines

Amplified sound is restricted on the IMU River Amphitheater in the following ways:

  • Amplification systems less than or equal to 20 watts are allowed at any time.
  • Amplification systems greater than 20 watts are allowed from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM.

Water Availability

Water is not available on the IMU River Amphitheater.

Electrical Hook Up

110 single phase electrical outlets are available at all times for no fee along the IMU River Terrace wall. Groups with other power needs will need to use a generator and must make those arrangements themselves. Please indicate your electrical needs before your event date or at the time of reservation.

Wireless Internet Access

Is available for no charge on the amphitheater

Balloon Launch

Must be approved by the Vice President in the Office for Student Life.

For more information contact Event Services.

IMU River Terrace

Conditions of Use

  1. All policies governing the sale of goods in the IMU by student organizations will be applicable on the Amphitheater.

  2. More than one event may be scheduled at once on the west side of the IMU on the IMU River Terrace and IMU River Amphitheater. The number and types of events permitted simultaneously will be the decision of IMU Event Services and will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

  3. Food and beverage service on the River Terrace will be allowed and must be provided by UI Catering.

  4. Failure to obtain approval for the use of the IMU River Terrace or violation of applicable University regulations during use may result in the withdrawal of the privilege of use.

South River Terrace

The south section of the IMU River Terrace, the South River Terrace, is open to the public at all times. Outside of the academic year, programming is not permitted on Friday evenings after 5pm or at any time on Saturdays unless arrangements are made within one month of the event date.

North River Terrace

The north section of the IMU River Terrace, the North River Terrace, is available for reservations in conjunction with events in the Main Lounge and Sunporch or events on the Sunporch only for dates when the Main Lounge is not booked up to one (1) month prior to the requested event date. Request for reservations outside of this time frame should be directed to IMU Administration.

Special Conditions:

  1. Alcohol service may be offered on the North River Terrace. All University of Iowa policy governing alcohol service must be adhered to on the terrace. See Beverage page 10 for more information. All beverages must be kept on the terrace or inside the building at all times.
  2. Signage and security will be required for events serving alcoholic beverages on the terrace.
  3. If conditions are not suitable for use, the IMU reserves the right to limit groups to using the indoor space(s) (Main Lounge or Sunporch) reserved in conjunction with the North Terrace. No additional rain back up will be provided and no refunds will be issued.


This space is reserved in conjunction with the IMU Main Lounge and/or Sunporch. The rental fee for these spaces applies and no additional rental fee will be issued. Set up and equipment rental fees may apply. For additional damages there will be a fee for both student organizations and departments which can be found under Fees in the Additional Damages/Cleaning Fees policy section. For more information contact Event Services.

Sound Amplification Guidelines

Amplified sound is restricted on the IMU North River Terrace in the following ways:

  • Amplification systems less than or equal to 20 watts are allowed at any time.
  • Amplification systems greater than 20 watts are allowed from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM.

Water Availability

Water is not available on the IMU River Terrace.

Electrical Hook Up

110 single phase electrical outlets are available at all times for no fee along the IMU River Terrace. For additional power needs please speak with the Facility Coordinator.

Internet Access

Internet access is available for no charge on the terrace.

Public Spaces

The following areas within the IMU are designated shared or public space and may not be reserved by student organizations, university departments or university guests without approval from IMU Administration:

  • Hubbard Commons fireplace lounge
  • IMU South River Terrace
  • Television seating areas
  • Information Technology Centers (ITCs)
  • Corridors excluding information and registration tables
  • Lobby spaces
  • Dining area
  • The Hawkeye

The Hawkeye

The Hawkeye is the student lounge located in the IMU ground floor. This space is open to the general public and cannot be reserved for private events. There will be ongoing programming in this space sponsored by the Campus Activities Board (CAB). To propose an event, you can contact CAB through the office of Student Engagement & Campus Programs -, 319-335-3059, or in 145 IMU.

Special Event Policies

Movies and other Copyrighted Materials

In compliance with the Federal Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United State Code) regarding film and video piracy, anyone wishing to show a film or other copyrighted material in any IMU venue must first obtain a public performance license agreement. Neither the rental nor the purchase of a videocassette or DVD, nor the subscription to an online streaming service such as Netflix, carries the right to show it outside the home.

Student Organizations

Registered student organizations requesting to show a film or play copyrighted material in an IMU managed space must return a completed Event Information Form (EIF) with the appropriate public performance license to the IMU Event Services office ten (10) days prior to the event date providing permission to show copyrighted materials in public settings. If the EIF and license is not received the copyrighted material will not be permitted and/or the event may be cancelled at the customer’s expense. Reservations for these events will not receive a confirmed status unless the Public Performance license has been approved.

Please see this website for more information.

University Departments

University departments must obtain the license and be prepared to show it to IMU management the day of the event.

University Guests

University guests must obtain the license and provide a copy to IMU Event Services ten (10) days prior to the event date.

Rallies and Demonstrations

The IMU has designated specific locations within the building for the purpose of conducting a rally or demonstration. Rallies and demonstrations are subject to all IMU, University of Iowa, and Dean of Students regulations. Those not following policies set forth by the University of Iowa will be asked to cease their rally or demonstration.

  • Student Organizations may host a political rally or demonstration in Hubbard Commons, Hubbard Park, and/or the South Lobby entrance (departments or university guests may not conduct a rally or demonstration).
  • Rallies or demonstrations for other locations on campus include: Pentacrest and Kautz Plaza.
    • Reservations must be made in the VP Student Life Office, IMU 249 prior to the event date.
    • An Event Information Form must be filled out in conjunction with the reservation and approved by the Director of the IMU.
  • Amplification may be used only for people speaking, however, non-amplified music is permitted (e.g., harmonica, guitar).
  • The carrying of signs is permitted, provided the signs are not attached to sticks.

Concerts & Performances

SCOPE Productions is the registered organization that may host a concert within the IMU or on Hubbard Park. For the purpose of this policy, a concert is defined as a performance intended as programming for students. This policy does not include performances programmed by Hancher, School or Music, or other university departments and student organizations that schedule performances as a part of their mission.

Event Security

IMU Event Services will require security, at the organization’s expense, for events that meet the following criteria:

  • Event is open to the public
  • Event goes past 10PM
  • Event is social in nature (party, dance, entertainment, etc.)

Security for events outside of this criteria may be required as per discretion from UIPD, Student Organization policies, and IMU Event Services. For more information, Contact Event Services.

Sales at Events

Commercial Solicitation

Registered student organizations have exclusive rights to conduct commercial solicitation on University property. Commercial solicitation is defined as the selling of items, materials or products, and services. The Iowa Memorial Union is the only building in which commercial solicitation is allowed to take place. See University of Iowa operation manual section for additional policies.

  • Sales are limited to the venue in which the event occurs.
  • Sales must comply with the provisions of any exclusive contract between University and public vendors.
  • Sales must not be in direct competition with vendors within the IMU without the approval of that vendor.

Student Organizations

Gambling & Raffle Tickets

Student Organizations

Registered student organizations may request permission to do gambling on University property. All State of Iowa, University of Iowa, and Dean of Students policies must be met in order to qualify for a gambling license. Application forms are available in IMU 157 in the Student Organization Business Office (SOBO) or on the Org Sync website at Engage.

University Departments & Guests

University departments and guests may not conduct gambling on University property. This includes gambling where money is not being exchanged and gambling equipment is rented from local rental vendors.

Student Organizations

Registered Student Organizations

Registered student organizations in good standing with the Office of Leadership, Service & Civic Engagement are eligible to reserve space and receive a subsidized rate for use of the space acknowledgement of the department’s receipt of student service fees. Only student officers of registered student organizations are permitted to make reservations for IMU venues.

Student organizations are eligible to make series, individual meeting room, promotional, and solicitation reservations beginning the first Friday in June at 8:00 am for the upcoming academic year and are not to exceed ten (10) reservations per month (unless otherwise noted in this document). **This policy is new for the 2022-2023 academic year. In consultation with the Office of Leadership & Engagement, we are waiting until after the student organization re-registration process is complete to begin accepting student organization meeting room requests.**

Additional reservations are allowed on the first day of each month for the following month.

Series and individual meeting room reservations must be submitted via the web booking system (more information here), with the exception of reservations for rooms within seven (7) business days of use. All other requests can be submitted to

Political Events

Before sponsoring a political campaigning event or elected official, the student organization representative must contact the Associate Dean of Students & Executive Director of the IMU, in 135 IMU, or call (319) 335-1162 to make an appointment. University Guest rates may apply to political events. To view the complete policy for visiting political candidates and elected officials click here.

Study Reservations

Meeting rooms may be reserved by student organizations for the use of study space for the group. Study room reservations will count towards the ten (10) allowed bookings per month. Study reservations cannot be longer than three (3) hours in length and are not allowed during the last two (2) weeks of each semester.

Study room reservations may be cancelled by IMU Administration if the student organization’s study reservation limits IMU meeting room space. Every effort will be made to find other accommodations for meeting room reservations being cancelled.

Event Information Forms

An Event Information Form (EIF) is required for reservations with one of the following situations: reservations for rooms with a rental fee, Hubbard Park, bake sales, and rallies. EIFs are also required for organizations paying a speaker to attend their event, showing or playing copyrighted material, charging admission/collecting funds, or any other reservation deemed as required by IMU Administration. The EIF will be filled out on the Engage website.

Instructions for filling out the form will be sent to the student planning the event after a reservation is already in place with the IMU Event Services Office. The student is responsible for obtaining the appropriate approvals on Engage. All event approvals, along with any necessary payments, must be received before a reservation will be confirmed. EIFs should be initiated at least four (4) weeks before the event date and completed at least two (2) weeks before the event date.

If your organization plans to host a blood drive, please note that the DeGowin Blood Center is the IMU-exclusive provider for blood drives. Reservations for DeGowin do not require an EIF to be completed, but you will need to schedule a time to meet with an IMU Facility Coordinator (contact