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The Memorial Honor Roll at the Iowa Memorial Union recognizes the students and alumni of The University of Iowa who have given their lives in service to the nation as members of the armed forces.
“And if this magnificent structure is to fulfill the dreams out of which it has arisen it can only do so by stirring the impulses of the young men and women of Iowa to lives of service to mankind.”
Memorial Honor Roll
The main memorial display is located on the first floor and honors all UI students and alumni who died during U.S. armed conflicts. Located in the Hubbard Commons, a glass case encloses American and Iowan flags, with plaques listing the names of students and alumni who died during World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam. The names of the fallen are also listed in this digital honor roll by conflict below.
World War I
1914-1918 and the years following
Adams, Cloyde, 1918-19, USA | Allen, Charles Frederick, 1910-12, USA |
Barry, William John, 1906-09, CAC | Becker, Fred H., 1915-17, USMC |
Benton, Charles E., 1915-17, USA | Bond, F.D., USA |
Bowers, Lewis Nelson, 1910-12, USA | Bryson, Harold Lewis, 1901-08, USA |
Carter, Lloyd Hawley, 1915-18, IRFC | Carpenter, Wallace B., 1918-19, USA |
Case, Lyman E., 1914-17, USA | Christiansen, Rushmer, 1908-13, USN |
Clark, Charles McCreary, 1915-17, USA | Cloe, Carl Wilson, 1910-12, USA |
Cochran, Paul S., 1916-18, USA | Coxe, Harold J.B., 1909-10, USMC |
Crutchett, Harold Edward, 1910-11, USN | Dessel, William, 1906-09, USA |
Doornink, James, 1915-19, USA | Dunham, Robert E., 1916-18, USA |
Duwe, Harry E., 1911-14, USA | Edwardsen, Erling F., USA |
Fanton, Clark Denike, 1907-15, USA | Fish, Raymond, 1914-15, USA |
Fox, Walter H., 1901-06, USA | Galliher, Royal V., 1918-19, SATC |
Grubb, John Frank, 1913-17, USA | Harvey, John A., 1918-19, USA |
Haven, Samuel Cushman, 1908-14, USA | Hoeven, Endor John, 1917-18, USA |
Hyman, William Paul, 1912-17, USA | Jarvis, William Austin, 1913-16, USA |
Johnson, Elmer T., USA | Jones, Fred W., 1916-19, USA |
Jones, William H., 1918-19, USA | Kaphengst, Charles, USA |
Kelleher, Justin, 1917-18, USN | Kerwin, Michael, 1914-17, USA |
Koopman, Frank H. | Kreger, Edward A., 1889, USA |
Larsen, Fred | Leonard, Marion Ray, 1914-17, USA |
Luckey, George Gilchrist, 1917-18, USA | Mapes, John G., 1915-16, USA |
McGuire, Homer, 1913-17, USAF | McNiff, Francis Joseph, 1909-11, USA |
McNulty, Francis John, 1907-11, USA | Molskness, Philip |
Mootheart, Francis | Newell, Hugh Stanley, 1915-18, USN |
Nicklaus, Theodore C., 1918-19, USA | Noring, Ella, 1913-15, USA |
Odle, Robert G., 1915-17, USA | O’Donnell, James Albert, 1918-19, USA |
O’Donnell, J.W., 1916-19, USA | Orcutt, Arland L., 1918-19, USA |
Oren, Samuel Leo, 1900-01, USA | Paine, Homer J., 1917-18, USAF |
Parsons, Sidney | Pauls, Felix E., 1918-19, USA |
Polton, Charles, 1914-15, USA | Quinn, Francis, 1918-19, USA |
Reed, Leon W., 1918-19, USA | Renshaw, Fred E., 1904-06, USA |
Ristine, Richard H., 1916-17, USAF | Roland, Homer G., 1914-18, USA |
Rorick, Elroy Edward, 1903-11, USA | Ross, Clifford Archibald, 1911-14, USA |
Rowe, Charles P., 1907-10, USA | Royce, Glaucius L., 1908-09, USA |
Sheehan, Edward M., 1901-03, USA | Sheehan, John P., 1918-19, USA |
Stevenson, Fred | Stevenson, Harold E., 1914-16, USMC |
Stillman, Walter Martin, 1916-17, USA | Stuart, John Deane, 1912-13, USA |
Szczukowski M.R. | Walker, H.C., 1915-19 |
Wallace, Bernard, 1918-19, USA | Weaver, John H., 1915-18, USA |
White, Winfield M., 1908-12, USA | Whittle, Ralph, 1916-18, USA |
Williams, Othal Gable, 1918-19, USA |
Honor roll code
ARC – American Red Cross | CS – Civil Service |
IRFC – Imperial Royal Flying Corps | POW – Prisoner of War |
RCAF – Royal Canadian Air Force | USA – U.S. Army |
USAF – U.S. Air Force | USCG – U.S. Coast Guard |
USMC – U.S. Marine Corps | USMCR – U.S. Marine Corps Reserve |
USMM – U.S. Merchant Marine | USN – U.S. Navy |
USNR – U.S. Naval Reserve | WAC – Women’s Army Corps |
WASP – Women’s Airforce Service Pilots | WC – War Correspondent |
World War II
1939-1945 and the years following
Aikens, Philip Raymond, 1939-40, USMC | Allred, Robert E., 1934-35, USAF |
Anderson, Ernest L., 1941-43, USAF | Anderson, Franklin J., 1938-40, USAF |
Anderson, Frederick E., 1934-38, USA | Anderson, James M., Jr., 1936-37, USAF |
Anderson, Lawrence D., 1939-40, USN | Angel, James Alfred, 1933-37, USAF |
Arnold, Robert Dodge, 1936-40, USA | Asa, Marion Lee, 1941-42, USN |
Baker, Lowell Dean, 1937-40, USAF | Baker, Marshall C., 1941-43, USN |
Baker, Robert Ward, 1934-40, USA | Baldwin, Thomas Arlando, 1925-30, USN |
Ballard, Ted Allen, 1939-41, USAF | Barlow, Howard H., 1916-20, USA |
Barnes, Dale E., 1929-33, USA | Beck, Sumner L., 1936-38, USAF |
Bell, Robert M., 1941-43, USA | Bigelow, Kenneth James, 1938-40, USN |
Blandin, Carl Wilkes, 1937-39, USAF | Blaul, Milton A., Jr., 1938-39, USAF |
Blaylock, John Robert, 1937-41, USAF | Bloethe, Leonard Walter, 1938-42, USA |
Bloom, Francis A., 1937-38, USA | Bolte, Rudolph Eugene, 1930-34, USA |
Bottorff, Robert Thomas, 1941-42, USAF | Boulton, Verne James, 1925-26 |
Bowers, John E., 1944, USAF | Brearton, William S., 1936-38, USAF |
Brennan, Martin King, 1935-38, USAF | Briggs, Robert Karl, 1939-43, USA |
Brooks, Bruce B., 1938-42, USAF | Brooks, Robert Lester, 1935-41, USNR |
Brown, Robert Elson, 1936-39, USAF | Burk, Theora Bruce, 1939-41, USAF |
Burriss, Zedford W., 1933-37, USMC | Bush, Donald M., 1936-38, USAF |
Butsch, James A., 1936-41, USAF | Buttler, Richard C., 1938-39, USAF |
Cadwell, Newell Lewis, 1931-35, USA | Cain, Bryce Max, 1939-40, USAF |
Callan, William C., Jr., 1941-42, USN | Camery, Donald E., 1944-45, USA |
Carlson, Morris A., 1938-41, USAF | Carrigg, Paul Robert, 1936-40, USA |
Carroll, Edward M., 1932-36, USA | Cavanagh, Thornton James, 1937-41, USAF |
Clark, Charles, E., 1934-35, USA | Clark, George D., 1939-41, USAF |
Cockburn, George H., Jr., 1936-37, USA | Coen, Robert John, 1936-41, USAF |
Connor, Howard B., 1931-40, USAF | Coon, Bernard H., 1941-43, USA |
Cornick, Ray Leland, 1934-35, USAF | Cox, Marble E., 1939-43, USN |
Crampton, Walter L., 1933-37, USA | Cripe, Kenneth, 1941-42, USN |
Cronin, Robert Charles, 1940-41, USN | Cross, Jerome Ryland, 1938-39, USAF |
Curel, Frank J., 1924-28, WC | Decker, William Joseph, 1935-39, USN |
Dedrick, Emerson Robert, 1939-41, USMC | Demaree, Robert Chester, 1935-41, USN |
Derrer, Verne Howard, 1933-37, USCG | Donohoe, Charles Joseph, 1934-39, USA |
Drewelow, Raymond J., 1939-40, USAF | Dreyer, Milton, 1935-36 |
Drobner, Martin Sanford, 1942-43, USA | Drummond, Willis Hinton, 1918-24, USA |
Duckett, Carlton Lewis, 1937-40, USA | Dunham, George Kenneth, 1939-43, USA |
DuPre, Richard L., 1941-42, USAF | Dutton, Finley J., 1942-43, USAF |
Earley, Joe Campbell, 1937-40, USAF | Ebert, Paul Eugene, 1939-40, USAF |
Eby, Robert Nichols, 1937-40, USA | Eckles, Wayne Osten, 1935-38, USAF |
Eddy, Albert Charles, 1939-41, USAF | Eland, Thomas, 1935-38, USA |
Ellis, Alfred Reese, 1930-33, USAF | Emerson, Dewitt, 1913-18, USN |
Erbacher, John Marvin, 1938-39, USA | Evans, John Hakes, 1936-42, USMC |
Evans, William Ellis, 1940-41, USAF | Feldman, Norbert Bert, 1939-41, USA |
Filmer, Lionel Everett, 1941-43, USMC | Finton, Norman W., 1936-39, USA |
Fisher, Lester Harold, 1938-39, USA | Folkedahl, Willis H., 1940-42, USN |
Ford, Robert Douglas, 1943, USA | Forman, Percy, 1935-39, USAF |
Fortune, Joseph E., 1932-35 | Frandsen, Earl C., 1934-39, USA |
Fraser, Hugh Kirk, 1936-40, USA | Friesner, Curtis David, 1929-30, USA |
Gardner, Robert E., 1941-43, USA | Garner, William F., 1940-42, USNF |
Garton, William, 1893-98, USN | George, Keith Edward, 1929-37, USA |
Gibson, Clifford E., 1944-45, USAF | Gilleard, W. Burdell, 1938-41, USA |
Goodrich, James Penn, 1934-42, USN | Goodyear, Donovan, 1935-41, USAF |
Goss, Eugene Leonard, 1938-42, USA | Graham, John Earl, 1941-42, USN |
Gray, James Arwin, 1942-43, USMC | Greene, Hiram Moe, 1932-36, USN |
Greene, Johan Sherman, 1927-34, USA | Greve, Jack Frederic, 1940-42, USAF |
Grimes, Ray Willford, 1939-41, USN | Grossman, Daniel, 1939-39, USA |
Gunderson, Jerome A., 1942-43, USAF | Guthrie, Bernie Vincent, 1939-40, USAF |
Haines, John Wister, 1933-37, USA | Hamilton, Lloyd Emerson, 1933-36, USA |
Hanna, Charles William, 1936-39, USN | Harlan, Martin Edward, 1934-38, USMC |
Harris, Marion Edward, 1933-38, USAF | Harrison, Glenn Ellwood, 1921-28, USA |
Hartigan, Charles W., 1925-29, USA | Hawkins, James M., Jr., 1941-43, USMC |
Hayes, Robert A., 1936-39, USA | Healy, Arthur Wesley, 1935-38, USA |
Heaton, Charles Curtis, 1939-40, USAF | Henthorne, William W., 1938-42, USA |
Hess, Donald William, 1934-39, USAF | Heyerdale, William W., 1928-32, USA |
Higbee, Glenn W., Jr., 1937-39, USNR | Hill, George E., 1937-39, USN |
Hinman, Theodore L., 1937-42, USAF | Hinrichs, Christian E., 1942-43, USA |
Hinsch, William R., Jr., 1934-38, USA | Hintz, Owen M., 1938-42, USN |
Hise, Daniel E., 1934-42, USAF | Hitch, Mary Helen, 1930-33, ARC |
Hoag, Richard Nevin, 1935-37, USAF | Hoffman, William Louis, 1900, USA |
Hoffmann, John M., 1928-32, USA | Holcomb, Verle Page, 1940-42, USA |
Holsteen, Theodore F., 1932-33, USAF | Hommel, John Mahlon, 1939-40, USA |
Hopley, George Peter, 1941-43, USA | Hopp, Marshall S., 1940-41, USNR |
Hordzwich, Charles K., 1939-41, USA | Houck, Lee, 1940-43, USAF |
Hovey, Glenn Clarke, 1940-41, USAF | Hoyt, Robert Samuel, 1940-43, USA |
Hughes, Hayden T., 1938-41, USAF | Humphrey, Howard C., 1939-41, USAF |
Hupp, Howard T., 1929-33, USA | Ingraham, Benjamin A., 1934-41, USN |
Irwin, Bruce James, 1938-39, USN | Irwin, James Quentin, 1940-41, USAF |
Jacobsen, Herman H., 1917-23, USA | Jacobson, Alan Roy, 1940-42, USAF |
Jenkinson, Rogers L., 1938-41, USN | Jensen, Lyle M., 1940-42, USA |
Johann, Robert Kaylor, 1938-41, USA | Johnson, Donald Lyle, 1942-43, USA |
Johnson, George Walter, 1940-41, USA | Johnson, Kendrick L., 1937-38, USAF |
Johnson, Richard Merrill, 1937-39, USA | Johnson, Robert J., 1935-39, USA |
Johnson, Walter W., 1929-32, USA | Jones, Robert L., 1939-41, USN |
Joslyn, Harper S., 1935-38, USN | Kadgihn, Robert Colville, 1937-41, USA |
Kalen, John J., 1939-41, USMC | Kell, Richard T., 1937-38, USA |
Kelly, Robert A., 1942-43, USAF | Kemp, John J., 1937-41, USA |
Kemp, Sheldon R., 1928-33, USA | Kennedy, Harry Elmo, 1935-39, USN |
King, Donald Young, 1938-42, USAF | Kinnan, Leonard Edward, 1931, USN |
Kinnick, Nile Clarke, Jr., 1936-41, USN | Klassie, Marlin Eugene, 1942-43, USAF |
Klinker, Norman Pershing, 1936-38, USA | Knipe, James Stuart, 1936-43, USA |
Kopp, Carlyle Joseph, 1937-38, USN | Kraschel, James Norman, 1942-43, USAF |
Kratz, John Henry, Jr., 1938-41, USA | Krouch, Dean Richard, 1934-37, USN |
Kunz, Julius, Jr., 1936-41, USAF | Lamb, Laird Bushnell, 1934-38, USAF |
Lampman, Leslie F., Jr., 1939-40, USAF | Large, Harry Jack, 1940-42, USNR |
Leamer, Robert R., 1922-28, USN | Leffingwell, Charles E., 1934-38, U |
The U.S. Army Specialized Training Program at the State University of Iowa was established in December 1942 to meet wartime demands for junior officers and soldiers with technical skills. The purpose of the program was “to provide the continuous and accelerated flow of high grade technicians and specialists needed by the Army.”
Iowa was among a number of American universities that participated in the program, which closed in early 1944 prior to the Allied forces’ invasion of France. Following the program’s closure, ASTP soldiers were assigned to the Army infantry, where they fought in the European and Pacific Theaters of Operation. The following participated in the U.S. Army Specialized Training Program at the State University of Iowa and lost their lives in the course of service.
Hawley, Palmer F., 1943-44, USA
Kammrath, Edward F., 1943-44, USA
Masin, Nathan, 1943-44, USA
Rodibaugh, George R., 1943-44, USA
Korean Conflict
1950 and the years following.
Alling, John Wesley, 1948-50, USA | Bristow, John Barry, 1947-50, USA |
Burge, Burton, 1950-51, USAF | Chapman, Raymond Curtis, 1949-51, USMC |
Corder, Harold W., 1934-40, USA | Fairless, Clyde J., Jr., 1934-43, USMC |
Fiser, Leonard, 1948-51, USAF | Gleason, Harry H., 1937-39, USAF |
Hansen, Darrell Jay, 1947-51, USA | Hills, Leslie Bruce, 1939-43, USA |
Hughes, William Evan, 1933-39, USA | Leeper, Offie L., Jr., 1946-50, USA |
McKinistry, Richard C., 1941-47, USA | Mathre, Albert K., 1942-49, USA |
Mayo, Kenneth Paul, 1947-51, USAF | Meyer, James Riley, 1946-50, USMC |
Niemann, Robert C., 1945-49, USA | O’Leary, Joseph, Jr., 1938-48, USAF |
Paul, Larry E., 1938-42, USAF | Peterson, Robert Duaine, 1946-49, USAF |
Sabath, Sheldon, 1945-49, USA | Smith, Chadwick B., 1948-51, USAF |
Towner, John G., 1948-52, USAF | Wilkens, Donald Scott, 1944-50, USA |
Southeast Asian Conflict
1962 and the years following.
Ballheim, Richard A., 1966, USA | Barton, Dennis M., 1956-59, USN |
Camp, James D., 1965-67, USA | Carter, John E., Jr., 1967-69, USMC |
Christiansen, John E. Jr., 1964, USN | Cook, Dwight W., 1966-67, USAF |
Dautremont, Dennis D., 1964-66, USA | Dean, Alan J., 1962, USMC |
Donahue, Richard E., 1950-54, USN | Dostal, Thomas J., 1963-68, USA |
Gaulocher, Francis L., 1964-65, USA | Hamilton, Dennis C., 1964-65, USA |
Hammel, Kenneth D., 1961-69, USA | Harris, Carl A., 1962-66, USA |
Higgins, William P., 1963-67, USMC | Hise, James H., 1961, USN |
Holland, Douglas C., 1962-64, USA | Holt, Marshall M., Jr., 1951-56, USAF |
Jensen, Harold N., 1964-65, USA | Kremer, Donald P., 1966-68, USMC |
Lockwood, Richard J., 1967-69, USA | May, Dennis A., 1955-59, USA |
McCutcheon, Frank S., III, 1965-66, USA | Neavor, Gary A., 1966-68, USA |
Paxton, Donald E., 1949-51, USAF | Peters, William L., Jr., 1961-66, USMC |
Podhajsky, Norbert A., 1963-66, USAF | Pollard, Thomas L., 1955-59, USA |
Shain, E. Rox, 1950, USAF | Siverly, David L., 1960-65, USA |
Upton, David C., 1967-68, USA | Vergamini, Douglass S., 1963-67, USA |
York, Lanny A., 1968-70, USAF |
Operation Enduring Freedom
2003 and the years following.
- Miller, Robert J., 2003, USA, Awarded Medal of Honor
Operation Iraqi Freedom
- Smith, Bruce A., 1984, USA

Main Lounge entrance, east side
In the Main Lounge entrance on the east side of the IMU, plaques hang commemorating the university's service in training navy personnel for World War II. The walls are engraved with quotes outlining the building's purpose.
Main Lounge entrance, north side engraving
"And if this magnificent structure is to fulfill the dreams out of which it has arisen it can only do so by stirring the impulses of the young men and women of Iowa to lives...of service to mankind."
Main Lounge entrance, south side engraving
"...So this memorial union, this temple, this rendezvous of youth and hope and possibility, rises in memory of the university's sacred dead, dedicated to the ideal of service for which they made a supreme sacrifice.

Iowa and War: The State University of Iowa and the Civil War
Published by the State Historical Society of Iowa, 1918

For the Iowa Dead
Written for a Service of Dedication at the State University of Iowa, 25 March 1956
About this page
This online representation of the Memorial Honor Roll is a joint project of the Iowa Memorial Union of The University of Iowa, University of Iowa Veterans Services, the University of Iowa chapter of Student Veterans of America, and the University of Iowa Archives, University of Iowa Libraries.