The Memorial Honor Roll at the Iowa Memorial Union recognizes the students and alumni of The University of Iowa who have given their lives in service to the nation as members of the armed forces.

“And if this magnificent structure is to fulfill the dreams out of which it has arisen it can only do so by stirring the impulses of the young men and women of Iowa to lives of service to mankind.”
James Weaver, Iowa Memorial Union dedication February 6, 1926

Memorial Honor Roll

The main memorial display is located on the first floor and honors all UI students and alumni who died during U.S. armed conflicts. Located in the Hubbard Commons, a glass case encloses American and Iowan flags, with plaques listing the names of students and alumni who died during World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam. The names of the fallen are also listed in this digital honor roll by conflict below.

World War I

1914-1918 and the years following

Adams, Cloyde, 1918-19, USA Allen, Charles Frederick, 1910-12, USA
Barry, William John, 1906-09, CAC Becker, Fred H., 1915-17, USMC
Benton, Charles E., 1915-17, USA Bond, F.D., USA
Bowers, Lewis Nelson, 1910-12, USA Bryson, Harold Lewis, 1901-08, USA
Carter, Lloyd Hawley, 1915-18, IRFC Carpenter, Wallace B., 1918-19, USA
Case, Lyman E., 1914-17, USA Christiansen, Rushmer, 1908-13, USN
Clark, Charles McCreary, 1915-17, USA Cloe, Carl Wilson, 1910-12, USA
Cochran, Paul S., 1916-18, USA Coxe, Harold J.B., 1909-10, USMC
Crutchett, Harold Edward, 1910-11, USN Dessel, William, 1906-09, USA
Doornink, James, 1915-19, USA Dunham, Robert E., 1916-18, USA
Duwe, Harry E., 1911-14, USA Edwardsen, Erling F., USA
Fanton, Clark Denike, 1907-15, USA Fish, Raymond, 1914-15, USA
Fox, Walter H., 1901-06, USA Galliher, Royal V., 1918-19, SATC
Grubb, John Frank, 1913-17, USA Harvey, John A., 1918-19, USA
Haven, Samuel Cushman, 1908-14, USA Hoeven, Endor John, 1917-18, USA
Hyman, William Paul, 1912-17, USA Jarvis, William Austin, 1913-16, USA
Johnson, Elmer T., USA Jones, Fred W., 1916-19, USA
Jones, William H., 1918-19, USA Kaphengst, Charles, USA
Kelleher, Justin, 1917-18, USN Kerwin, Michael, 1914-17, USA
Koopman, Frank H. Kreger, Edward A., 1889, USA
Larsen, Fred Leonard, Marion Ray, 1914-17, USA
Luckey, George Gilchrist, 1917-18, USA Mapes, John G., 1915-16, USA
McGuire, Homer, 1913-17, USAF McNiff, Francis Joseph, 1909-11, USA
McNulty, Francis John, 1907-11, USA Molskness, Philip
Mootheart, Francis Newell, Hugh Stanley, 1915-18, USN
Nicklaus, Theodore C., 1918-19, USA Noring, Ella, 1913-15, USA
Odle, Robert G., 1915-17, USA O’Donnell, James Albert, 1918-19, USA
O’Donnell, J.W., 1916-19, USA Orcutt, Arland L., 1918-19, USA
Oren, Samuel Leo, 1900-01, USA Paine, Homer J., 1917-18, USAF
Parsons, Sidney Pauls, Felix E., 1918-19, USA
Polton, Charles, 1914-15, USA Quinn, Francis, 1918-19, USA
Reed, Leon W., 1918-19, USA Renshaw, Fred E., 1904-06, USA
Ristine, Richard H., 1916-17, USAF Roland, Homer G., 1914-18, USA
Rorick, Elroy Edward, 1903-11, USA Ross, Clifford Archibald, 1911-14, USA
Rowe, Charles P., 1907-10, USA Royce, Glaucius L., 1908-09, USA
Sheehan, Edward M., 1901-03, USA Sheehan, John P., 1918-19, USA
Stevenson, Fred Stevenson, Harold E., 1914-16, USMC
Stillman, Walter Martin, 1916-17, USA Stuart, John Deane, 1912-13, USA
Szczukowski M.R. Walker, H.C., 1915-19
Wallace, Bernard, 1918-19, USA Weaver, John H., 1915-18, USA
White, Winfield M., 1908-12, USA Whittle, Ralph, 1916-18, USA
Williams, Othal Gable, 1918-19, USA  


Honor roll code

ARC – American Red Cross CS – Civil Service
IRFC – Imperial Royal Flying Corps POW – Prisoner of War
RCAF – Royal Canadian Air Force USA – U.S. Army
USAF – U.S. Air Force USCG – U.S. Coast Guard
USMC – U.S. Marine Corps USMCR – U.S. Marine Corps Reserve
USMM – U.S. Merchant Marine USN – U.S. Navy
USNR – U.S. Naval Reserve WAC – Women’s Army Corps
WASP – Women’s Airforce Service Pilots WC – War Correspondent


World War II

1939-1945 and the years following

Aikens, Philip Raymond, 1939-40, USMC Allred, Robert E., 1934-35, USAF
Anderson, Ernest L., 1941-43, USAF Anderson, Franklin J., 1938-40, USAF
Anderson, Frederick E., 1934-38, USA Anderson, James M., Jr., 1936-37, USAF
Anderson, Lawrence D., 1939-40, USN Angel, James Alfred, 1933-37, USAF
Arnold, Robert Dodge, 1936-40, USA Asa, Marion Lee, 1941-42, USN
Baker, Lowell Dean, 1937-40, USAF Baker, Marshall C., 1941-43, USN
Baker, Robert Ward, 1934-40, USA Baldwin, Thomas Arlando, 1925-30, USN
Ballard, Ted Allen, 1939-41, USAF Barlow, Howard H., 1916-20, USA
Barnes, Dale E., 1929-33, USA Beck, Sumner L., 1936-38, USAF
Bell, Robert M., 1941-43, USA Bigelow, Kenneth James, 1938-40, USN
Blandin, Carl Wilkes, 1937-39, USAF Blaul, Milton A., Jr., 1938-39, USAF
Blaylock, John Robert, 1937-41, USAF Bloethe, Leonard Walter, 1938-42, USA
Bloom, Francis A., 1937-38, USA Bolte, Rudolph Eugene, 1930-34, USA
Bottorff, Robert Thomas, 1941-42, USAF Boulton, Verne James, 1925-26
Bowers, John E., 1944, USAF Brearton, William S., 1936-38, USAF
Brennan, Martin King, 1935-38, USAF Briggs, Robert Karl, 1939-43, USA
Brooks, Bruce B., 1938-42, USAF Brooks, Robert Lester, 1935-41, USNR
Brown, Robert Elson, 1936-39, USAF Burk, Theora Bruce, 1939-41, USAF
Burriss, Zedford W., 1933-37, USMC Bush, Donald M., 1936-38, USAF
Butsch, James A., 1936-41, USAF Buttler, Richard C., 1938-39, USAF
Cadwell, Newell Lewis, 1931-35, USA Cain, Bryce Max, 1939-40, USAF
Callan, William C., Jr., 1941-42, USN Camery, Donald E., 1944-45, USA
Carlson, Morris A., 1938-41, USAF Carrigg, Paul Robert, 1936-40, USA
Carroll, Edward M., 1932-36, USA Cavanagh, Thornton James, 1937-41, USAF
Clark, Charles, E., 1934-35, USA Clark, George D., 1939-41, USAF
Cockburn, George H., Jr., 1936-37, USA Coen, Robert John, 1936-41, USAF
Connor, Howard B., 1931-40, USAF Coon, Bernard H., 1941-43, USA
Cornick, Ray Leland, 1934-35, USAF Cox, Marble E., 1939-43, USN
Crampton, Walter L., 1933-37, USA Cripe, Kenneth, 1941-42, USN
Cronin, Robert Charles, 1940-41, USN Cross, Jerome Ryland, 1938-39, USAF
Curel, Frank J., 1924-28, WC Decker, William Joseph, 1935-39, USN
Dedrick, Emerson Robert, 1939-41, USMC Demaree, Robert Chester, 1935-41, USN
Derrer, Verne Howard, 1933-37, USCG Donohoe, Charles Joseph, 1934-39, USA
Drewelow, Raymond J., 1939-40, USAF Dreyer, Milton, 1935-36
Drobner, Martin Sanford, 1942-43, USA Drummond, Willis Hinton, 1918-24, USA
Duckett, Carlton Lewis, 1937-40, USA Dunham, George Kenneth, 1939-43, USA
DuPre, Richard L., 1941-42, USAF Dutton, Finley J., 1942-43, USAF
Earley, Joe Campbell, 1937-40, USAF Ebert, Paul Eugene, 1939-40, USAF
Eby, Robert Nichols, 1937-40, USA Eckles, Wayne Osten, 1935-38, USAF
Eddy, Albert Charles, 1939-41, USAF Eland, Thomas, 1935-38, USA
Ellis, Alfred Reese, 1930-33, USAF Emerson, Dewitt, 1913-18, USN
Erbacher, John Marvin, 1938-39, USA Evans, John Hakes, 1936-42, USMC
Evans, William Ellis, 1940-41, USAF Feldman, Norbert Bert, 1939-41, USA
Filmer, Lionel Everett, 1941-43, USMC Finton, Norman W., 1936-39, USA
Fisher, Lester Harold, 1938-39, USA Folkedahl, Willis H., 1940-42, USN
Ford, Robert Douglas, 1943, USA Forman, Percy, 1935-39, USAF
Fortune, Joseph E., 1932-35 Frandsen, Earl C., 1934-39, USA
Fraser, Hugh Kirk, 1936-40, USA Friesner, Curtis David, 1929-30, USA
Gardner, Robert E., 1941-43, USA Garner, William F., 1940-42, USNF
Garton, William, 1893-98, USN George, Keith Edward, 1929-37, USA
Gibson, Clifford E., 1944-45, USAF Gilleard, W. Burdell, 1938-41, USA
Goodrich, James Penn, 1934-42, USN Goodyear, Donovan, 1935-41, USAF
Goss, Eugene Leonard, 1938-42, USA Graham, John Earl, 1941-42, USN
Gray, James Arwin, 1942-43, USMC Greene, Hiram Moe, 1932-36, USN
Greene, Johan Sherman, 1927-34, USA Greve, Jack Frederic, 1940-42, USAF
Grimes, Ray Willford, 1939-41, USN Grossman, Daniel, 1939-39, USA
Gunderson, Jerome A., 1942-43, USAF Guthrie, Bernie Vincent, 1939-40, USAF
Haines, John Wister, 1933-37, USA Hamilton, Lloyd Emerson, 1933-36, USA
Hanna, Charles William, 1936-39, USN Harlan, Martin Edward, 1934-38, USMC
Harris, Marion Edward, 1933-38, USAF Harrison, Glenn Ellwood, 1921-28, USA
Hartigan, Charles W., 1925-29, USA Hawkins, James M., Jr., 1941-43, USMC
Hayes, Robert A., 1936-39, USA Healy, Arthur Wesley, 1935-38, USA
Heaton, Charles Curtis, 1939-40, USAF Henthorne, William W., 1938-42, USA
Hess, Donald William, 1934-39, USAF Heyerdale, William W., 1928-32, USA
Higbee, Glenn W., Jr., 1937-39, USNR Hill, George E., 1937-39, USN
Hinman, Theodore L., 1937-42, USAF Hinrichs, Christian E., 1942-43, USA
Hinsch, William R., Jr., 1934-38, USA Hintz, Owen M., 1938-42, USN
Hise, Daniel E., 1934-42, USAF Hitch, Mary Helen, 1930-33, ARC
Hoag, Richard Nevin, 1935-37, USAF Hoffman, William Louis, 1900, USA
Hoffmann, John M., 1928-32, USA Holcomb, Verle Page, 1940-42, USA
Holsteen, Theodore F., 1932-33, USAF Hommel, John Mahlon, 1939-40, USA
Hopley, George Peter, 1941-43, USA Hopp, Marshall S., 1940-41, USNR
Hordzwich, Charles K., 1939-41, USA Houck, Lee, 1940-43, USAF
Hovey, Glenn Clarke, 1940-41, USAF Hoyt, Robert Samuel, 1940-43, USA
Hughes, Hayden T., 1938-41, USAF Humphrey, Howard C., 1939-41, USAF
Hupp, Howard T., 1929-33, USA Ingraham, Benjamin A., 1934-41, USN
Irwin, Bruce James, 1938-39, USN Irwin, James Quentin, 1940-41, USAF
Jacobsen, Herman H., 1917-23, USA Jacobson, Alan Roy, 1940-42, USAF
Jenkinson, Rogers L., 1938-41, USN Jensen, Lyle M., 1940-42, USA
Johann, Robert Kaylor, 1938-41, USA Johnson, Donald Lyle, 1942-43, USA
Johnson, George Walter, 1940-41, USA Johnson, Kendrick L., 1937-38, USAF
Johnson, Richard Merrill, 1937-39, USA Johnson, Robert J., 1935-39, USA
Johnson, Walter W., 1929-32, USA Jones, Robert L., 1939-41, USN
Joslyn, Harper S., 1935-38, USN Kadgihn, Robert Colville, 1937-41, USA
Kalen, John J., 1939-41, USMC Kell, Richard T., 1937-38, USA
Kelly, Robert A., 1942-43, USAF Kemp, John J., 1937-41, USA
Kemp, Sheldon R., 1928-33, USA Kennedy, Harry Elmo, 1935-39, USN
King, Donald Young, 1938-42, USAF Kinnan, Leonard Edward, 1931, USN
Kinnick, Nile Clarke, Jr., 1936-41, USN Klassie, Marlin Eugene, 1942-43, USAF
Klinker, Norman Pershing, 1936-38, USA Knipe, James Stuart, 1936-43, USA
Kopp, Carlyle Joseph, 1937-38, USN Kraschel, James Norman, 1942-43, USAF
Kratz, John Henry, Jr., 1938-41, USA Krouch, Dean Richard, 1934-37, USN
Kunz, Julius, Jr., 1936-41, USAF Lamb, Laird Bushnell, 1934-38, USAF
Lampman, Leslie F., Jr., 1939-40, USAF Large, Harry Jack, 1940-42, USNR
Leamer, Robert R., 1922-28, USN Leffingwell, Charles E., 1934-38, U


The U.S. Army Specialized Training Program at the State University of Iowa was established in December 1942 to meet wartime demands for junior officers and soldiers with technical skills. The purpose of the program was “to provide the continuous and accelerated flow of high grade technicians and specialists needed by the Army.”

Iowa was among a number of American universities that participated in the program, which closed in early 1944 prior to the Allied forces’ invasion of France. Following the program’s closure, ASTP soldiers were assigned to the Army infantry, where they fought in the European and Pacific Theaters of Operation. The following participated in the U.S. Army Specialized Training Program at the State University of Iowa and lost their lives in the course of service.

Hawley, Palmer F., 1943-44, USA
Kammrath, Edward F., 1943-44, USA
Masin, Nathan, 1943-44, USA
Rodibaugh, George R., 1943-44, USA

Korean Conflict

1950 and the years following.

Alling, John Wesley, 1948-50, USA Bristow, John Barry, 1947-50, USA
Burge, Burton, 1950-51, USAF Chapman, Raymond Curtis, 1949-51, USMC
Corder, Harold W., 1934-40, USA Fairless, Clyde J., Jr., 1934-43, USMC
Fiser, Leonard, 1948-51, USAF Gleason, Harry H., 1937-39, USAF
Hansen, Darrell Jay, 1947-51, USA Hills, Leslie Bruce, 1939-43, USA
Hughes, William Evan, 1933-39, USA Leeper, Offie L., Jr., 1946-50, USA
McKinistry, Richard C., 1941-47, USA Mathre, Albert K., 1942-49, USA
Mayo, Kenneth Paul, 1947-51, USAF Meyer, James Riley, 1946-50, USMC
Niemann, Robert C., 1945-49, USA O’Leary, Joseph, Jr., 1938-48, USAF
Paul, Larry E., 1938-42, USAF Peterson, Robert Duaine, 1946-49, USAF
Sabath, Sheldon, 1945-49, USA Smith, Chadwick B., 1948-51, USAF
Towner, John G., 1948-52, USAF Wilkens, Donald Scott, 1944-50, USA


Southeast Asian Conflict

1962 and the years following.

Ballheim, Richard A., 1966, USABarton, Dennis M., 1956-59, USN
Camp, James D., 1965-67, USACarter, John E., Jr., 1967-69, USMC
Christiansen, John E. Jr., 1964, USNCook, Dwight W., 1966-67, USAF
Dautremont, Dennis D., 1964-66, USADean, Alan J., 1962, USMC
Donahue, Richard E., 1950-54, USNDostal, Thomas J., 1963-68, USA
Gaulocher, Francis L., 1964-65, USAHamilton, Dennis C., 1964-65, USA
Hammel, Kenneth D., 1961-69, USAHarris, Carl A., 1962-66, USA
Higgins, William P., 1963-67, USMCHise, James H., 1961, USN
Holland, Douglas C., 1962-64, USAHolt, Marshall M., Jr., 1951-56, USAF
Jensen, Harold N., 1964-65, USAKremer, Donald P., 1966-68, USMC
Lockwood, Richard J., 1967-69, USAMay, Dennis A., 1955-59, USA
McCutcheon, Frank S., III, 1965-66, USANeavor, Gary A., 1966-68, USA
Paxton, Donald E., 1949-51, USAFPeters, William L., Jr., 1961-66, USMC
Podhajsky, Norbert A., 1963-66, USAFPollard, Thomas L., 1955-59, USA
Shain, E. Rox, 1950, USAFSiverly, David L., 1960-65, USA
Upton, David C., 1967-68, USAVergamini, Douglass S., 1963-67, USA
York, Lanny A., 1968-70, USAF 


Operation Enduring Freedom

2003 and the years following.

  • Miller, Robert J., 2003, USA, Awarded Medal of Honor


Operation Iraqi Freedom

  • Smith, Bruce A., 1984, USA


student sitting in chairs

Main Lounge entrance, east side
In the Main Lounge entrance on the east side of the IMU, plaques hang commemorating the university's service in training navy personnel for World War II. The walls are engraved with quotes outlining the building's purpose.

Main Lounge entrance, north side engraving
"And if this magnificent structure is to fulfill the dreams out of which it has arisen it can only do so by stirring the impulses of the young men and women of Iowa to lives...of service to mankind."

Main Lounge entrance, south side engraving
"...So this memorial union, this temple, this rendezvous of youth and hope and possibility, rises in memory of the university's sacred dead, dedicated to the ideal of service for which they made a supreme sacrifice.


iowa and war document

Iowa and War: The State University of Iowa and the Civil War

by Ellen M. Rich

Published by the State Historical Society of Iowa, 1918

for the iowa dead document

For the Iowa Dead

by Paul Engle

Written for a Service of Dedication at the State University of Iowa, 25 March 1956

About this page

This online representation of the Memorial Honor Roll is a joint project of the Iowa Memorial Union of The University of Iowa, University of Iowa Veterans Services, the University of Iowa chapter of Student Veterans of America, and the University of Iowa Archives, University of Iowa Libraries.