Interior maps of the IMU are available in PDF format. Please visit this page for building and department hours.

Download floor plan PDF


Ground Floor

ground floor map
Room Number Room Phone
G000 Old Gold Creamery  
G010 Academic Resource Center (ARC) 319-335-733
G103 Student Health - IMU Nurse Care  
G115 Student Legal Services 319-335-3276
G200 Food Pantry and Clothing Closet  
G250 Iowa Hawk Shop 319-335-3179
G305 Union Station food court  
G335 HawkeyEsports Arcade  
G350B Rest Nest  
G350 The Hawkeye  
  Storage lockers  


1st Floor

floor plan first floor
Room NumberRoomPhone
103River Room Café 
103ARiver Room 1 
103BRiver Room 2 
121Iowa House Hotel front desk319-335-3513
123First Floor Board Room 
132Student Care and Assistance319-335-1162
144-153Leadership and Engagement 
135Dean of Students319-335-1162
138Campus Activities Board 
145The Community Space319-467-1341
149Multicultural and international student support and engagement (MISSE)319-335-1162
154 - 155Fraternity and Sorority Life Programs (FSL)319-335-3059
157IMU Business Office
Student Organization Business Office
159Event Services319-335-3114
166Iowa Theater 
172Welcome Center319-353-4IMU (4468)
179South Room 
180Main Lounge 
181North Room 
 Hubbard Commons 
 Kendall Art Gallery 

2nd Floor

floor map of second floor of imu building
Room Number Room Phone
203 - 211 Office of Student Accountability 319-335-1527
208 Collegiate Recovery Room  
210 Reflection room  
237 University Catering 319-335-3116
243 International Ballroom  
245 Executive Board Room  
249 Office of the Vice President for Student Life 319-335-3557
253 DSL Human Resources 319-335-0121
256 Academics Room  
257 Arts Room  
259 Athletics Room  
260 Student Activities Center / ITC  
260A Student Video Productions  
260B Student Government 319-335-3860
260D SAC Board Room  
282 Student Organization Office Suite  
286 Student Life Communications 319-335-3117


3rd Floor